V-Core 3 Bistable Enclosure Lift

I recently purchased a new high end 3D printer, the RatRig V-Core 3. I am very happy with it however I have been having issues with the enclosure lid. The enclosure uses gas struts to hold the weight of the lid when it is open however the struts are difficult to install in a way that they can support the whole weight of the lid when open but also not keep the lid propped up slightly when closed. I have the version of the printer but I have learned that this problem is worse on the larger and versions. Anyway, now that you know the problem, this is my solution

The V-Core 3 Bistable Enclosure Lift

This is a lever arm mechanism that changes the mechanical advantage provided to the gas struts as the lid goes from closed to open. This means that as the lid is opened the gas strut applies more force to the lid. This mechanism is bistable and keeps the lid up when you open it and keeps it down when you close it. The mechanism also allows the lid to open wider than the normal strut mounts would allow while using less of the strut’s travel range.

This mechanism keeps the lid in the state that you leave it in but gives up a soft close in the process. As the lid is closed the weight of it is transferred off of the mechanism. If you don’t set the lid dow gently it will slam.

Pros Cons
Bistable: Stays how you leave it
Opens wider than normal strut mounts
Lid does not shut gently on its own


If you would like to try this for yourself the files are available here:


Infill: 20%
Part Orientation

Part Orientation

Necessary Parts and Hardware for each arm:

  • Printable Parts
    • 1x HingeMountA
    • 1x HingeMountB
    • 2x SupportArmV3
  • Hardware
    • 1x Gas Strut
    • 2x Gas Strut Mounting Brackets
    • 2x M4 3030 Drop In T-Nut
    • 2x M4 10mm
    • 2x M4 16mm
    • 2x M4 Nut
    • 4x M6 3030 Drop In T-Nut
    • 4x M6 12mm
    • 3x M6 25mm

Installation Steps

It is easiest to install when the lid is closed and the lid side panel are off. These steps help to make sure that each arm is supporting about half of the lids weight.

  1. Assemble the hinges and two arm parts with the 25mm M6 screws before attaching them to the frame
  2. Position the mechanism so that the lower arm is perpendicular to the rear post and the upper hinge is positioned as far back as possible
  3. Prop the lid open as wide as you want it to stay when open
  4. Attach the strut mounting brackets to the strut and attach the upper bracket to the arm
  5. Set the lower bracket with the t-nuts into the 3030 of the lower frame but do not tighten it
  6. With the lid propped open, lightly push the lower brackets toward the back of the machine so that the gas strut no longer has wiggle room and is engaged to the arm
  7. Tighten both lower brackets with this light pressure still in place
  8. When you remove what is propping up the lid the lid should rest equally on both support arms